Evangelistic Outreach Ministries

WEMM Tribute
to Evangelistic Outreach

Evangelistic Outreach began on WEMM February 22, 1982. Roger Manning still remembers sitting down with Dr. Calvin Evans at WEMM and discussing his television broadcast. Together they agreed to begin a radio ministry on Gospel 107.9 FM, WEMM. The Tri-State's first Christian radio station is proud to carry the ministry of Evangelistic Outreach to their vast listening audience twice daily at 4:45 AM and 9:15 PM.

WEMM congratulates Evangelistic Outreach on having the foresight to begin a television ministry in May of 1956 and a daily radio ministry on WEMM in February 1982. Roger Manning writes: "Our relationship has grown over these past years to where we consider you to be our dear friends. I always looked to Calvin Evans as an example of faithfulness unto the Lord. Calvin Ray and Brian, we have especially developed a close friendship and ministry relationship that I cherish. I've often attended your services and count it a joy to experience first hand the ministry we daily broadcast to our radio listeners."

We congratulate Evangelistic Outreach on more than a quarter of a century of ministry on WEMM. The Tri-State's Christian Teaching Station looks forward to continued ministry together. WEMM's prayer is that the Lord Jesus Christ will abundantly and richly bless the Evangelistic Outreach team, as together we serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.